Frustrated With God?

Is it okay to be frustrated with God? I can almost hear the jeers from the Sunday Sanctified at the mere thought of anyone even thinking this, let alone actually asking the question. I admit that there are times when I am frustrated with God, even as I write this. A layman’s definition of frustration is a negative emotional response that stems from something not going your way or according to your plans.

Did you picture your life being different than it has played out? Have you been dealt a hand you weren’t expecting that has drastically altered the life you envisioned? Perhaps you dreamed of the perfect life, the high paying job, the soulmate spouse, the perfect home in the perfect neighborhood, great health and a fit body that defied age, love, peace, joy, kumbaya. Yet here you are in a world where nothing looks familiar to your storybook life. And as a believer, you pray, no you plead to God to honor his word and to grant your prayers according to your desires, your criteria and your timing. I want it all and I want it now!

The truth is that God does want the best for his children. We’re told that he won’t withhold any good thing from us, that he will give us the desires of our hearts. But the condition is that those good things and desires have to line up with his will, not ours. God is not at my ever beckoning call to do my bidding. It’s the exact opposite! There are situations I’ve been praying about for years and the wait is frustrating. But I have to consider two things: first, God is not confined by time, space or matter or he wouldn’t be God. Humans are bound by time but God isn’t. He will work all things out for my good according to his will when he is ready to do so. Two, God knows things about our circumstances that we don’t. He may be preparing you for that perfect job, that perfect spouse or that perfect situation. He may also be preventing us from entering into something that’s not ideal for us, because of his sovereignty. Some unanswered prayers may indeed be his answer to protect us from things we don’t see.

A good friend reminded me just this past evening that God is always with us and completing his work through us, even if it isn’t the way we envisioned our life, and even if his plan requires unforeseen sacrifice. Once I learn that my frustrations are based upon my will and desires, and can yield my plans and desires to his, then will I see that Father Knows Best!

2 thoughts on “Frustrated With God?

  1. Frustrated for sure! Why am I on the other side of the country? In a tiny country town?

    Lord, what is your will for my life I wondered. Just a couple months ago He told me.

    Help my children ..

    Celebrate Recovery is only a few months from launching! God told me to Help His children

    I am no longer frustrated, well …I still want the house though, maybe next year huh?

    Just pray and stay connected, He will show you.

    Thanks again Joe…What an insightful blog


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