One Step at a Time

An old philosopher once said the journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. That is such a profound truth and so applicable in my life. For the past two years I’ve been on a spiritual journey. I’ve learned many lessons and re-learned a few I’d forgotten. Perhaps the most important lesson has been to not be afraid to take the next step.

I remember going through haunted houses when I was younger. There would always be that one section that was pitch black with zero visibility. Even though you couldn’t see your hand in front of your face, the only way to get through the section was to keep stepping. Life for us may not always be that mysterious but there will be those times when the future is unknown to you and all you can see is the next step.

I love how scripture tells us that each of us are born with a God-instilled purpose and mission established before our birth. It’s rare that a five-year old might know their purpose and mission. Im sixty and I’m still uncertain of my destination. But I’m more certain than ever before that I’m on the path God chose for me. If I stay true in my commitment to Christ and submit every aspect of my life to him, I’m assured that my steps will be guided by him even if I don’t know where they lead. The Psalmist wrote in Psalm 119 that God’s word is a lamp for our feet, a light for our path. God provides just enough illumination for us to determine the next step in our journey.

From learning a new dance to beginning a twelve step program, life is a series of taking one step at a time. I believe God doesn’t always reveal to us the complete picture of our life because we would be overwhelmed. Instead he gently guides us one step at a time. Don’t be afraid of stepping out and don’t be in a rush to skip steps in the process. Enjoy the journey and contentment of simply taking the next step.

2 thoughts on “One Step at a Time

  1. With a major decision in my future lurking, your words have brought new light. Breathe, Pray and take one step at a time. Thank you


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