Life Without Thumbs

The human body is an amazing machine. God created it intricately to perform all life’s necessary tasks. Every part of the body is significant and plays vital roles. Take the thumb, for example. Do you realize how difficult everyday tasks would be without thumbs. Here’s a list of just a few things you can’t do without thumbs:

  1. Button a shirt
  2. Write with a pen
  3. Zip your pants
  4. Use chopsticks
  5. Hold a glass
  6. Tie your shoes
  7. Play certain instruments
  8. Snap
  9. Turn doorknobs
  10. Forget about thumb wars

We may not think of losing a thumb in the same way as losing an arm or leg, but even a digit as seemingly insignificant as the thumb would greatly impact your life if you were to lose them.

The Bible says we are all part of the body of Christ with each part playing a specific role as designed by God:

The eye can’t say to the hand “I don’t need you” and the head can’t say to the feet “I don’t need you”, so that there’s no divisions in the body. “. 1 Corinthians 12:21

We are all part of the same commissioned team. It’s easy to believe you aren’t significant if you aren’t a speaker or teacher or leader in the church. We don’t need to be seen by everyone in order to be a part of ministry. You minister when you greet people at the door. You minister if you usher them to a seat. You minister if you attend to babies and toddlers during service. You minister if you maintain the building or the grounds of the church. You minister if you pray in private for the needs of your church family or your pastors.

Our enemy is a master of mind games. One of his oldest tricks is getting us to believe we don’t matter, we aren’t important, we don’t make a difference. He tells us that our past disqualifies us from being an effective servant in ministry. But God says differently ! The next time you are feeling like your role in the church doesn’t matter, think of yourselves as the thumbs of the body of Christ. You are significant!